23 de abril de 2012
Se ha conseguido, por méritos
propios –y el decir “méritos propios” es expresar “por méritos acumulados de
varias y varias generaciones”-… se ha conseguido, en la especie humana, que el
dicho “piensa mal, y acertarás” sea una realidad. Sea una habitualidad.
Sea… no una excepcionalidad, sino una forma de estar; de convivir.
Eso, obviamente, precisa pistolas, cuchillos, cercas, bombas, palabras,
insultos, enfados, quejas, manías… y varias instrumentalizaciones, bien sean de
carácter tecnológico o bien sean de carácter… de la personalidad.
¿Qué es “mal”? Todo lo que no me viene bien a mí. ¡Fácil! Con lo cual, pues la
mayoría es “malo”; porque no se llegó a hacer el mundo a mi imagen y a misemejanza. En
consecuencia, cada cual tiene muy claro qué es lo malo: lo que no me venga bien
a mí.
¿Y qué es “lo bueno”? Lo que me venga bien. Pero, pero, pero, para que me venga
bien, tengo que tener poder, influencia, arrogancia, vanidad, imposición… para
que, al menos algunos, se dediquen ¡a mí!
Exagerado, ¿verdad? ¡Sí!, ¡seguro! ¡Seguro! Pero, desde el punto de vista de la
filantropía, si se fijan despacio, cada ser tiene sus recuas de esclavillos,
reptilillos, admiradorcillos…
Cada cual tiene siempre –si se fijan un poco- alguien retorcidamente a su
alrededor, para tener algo de bien; porque, como hay que pensar mal para
acertar, no se puede estar rodeado sólo de mal, porque entonces… ¡nos
mataríamos los unos a los otros! –cosa que ocurre también, claro-. Pero, los
que más o menos sobreviven, tienen una recua de adictos a su alrededor que
permiten que algo sea a tu imagen
y a tu semejanza.
Unos tienen un marido, otros tienen una novia, otros tienen unos hijos, otros
tienen unos amigos… y el que no, ¡pues un perro!: incondicional total. ¡Total!
Hombre, hay casos en que… pero, en general.
-¿Un perro?
Además, el hombre dice que es muy inteligente. Y no tienes que pensar mal de él
para acertar. Al revés, piensa bien –que es lo que te venga bien a ti, lo que
sea a tu imagen- y verás cómo el perro anda como tú, te mira como tú… Ya, mover
la cola como tú, no tanto, pero… ¡Ah!
El caso es que, si piensas mal y acertarás, cuando te aproximas a la Creación … ¿qué? ¿Qué,
qué? ¿Qué? ¡Tienes que pensar mal para acertar!
Y entonces, cuando aparece el destino, el libre albedrío o… o el que dice que
nada de eso… ni existe ni existirá, ¿también sigue valiendo “piensa mal, y acertarás”?
¡Piensa mal de las moléculas, y acertarás! ¡Piensa mal de los enlaces de
hidrógeno, y acertarás! Piensa que, en cualquier momento, cuando tomes un trago
de agua, ésta se volverá contra ti… ¡y te perforará el paladar! ¡Uaaaah! Y, con
el paladar perforado, empezarás a sangrar y no sabrás distinguir si tragas
sangre, o agua…
-¡Qué horror, ¿no?!
-¡No, no! No es un horror. Es la consecuencia lógica de “piensa mal, y
acertarás”. ¿Cómo vas a pensar bien del hidrógeno y del oxígeno juntos? Juntos.
Sabiendo que se separan, sabiendo que se van a divorciar… ¿Puedes pensar bien
de unos divorciados? ¡No, hombre, no! Los divorciados son gente que… ¡que no
puedes confiar en ellos! ¡Claro! Ya han demostrado que ellos no son capaces;
que, gracias a pensar mal, han acertado y se han tenido que separar. ¿Cómo vas
a confiar tú, luego, en un divorciado o en una divorciada? ¡Qué horror!...
Lo terrible de ese pensamiento es que sólo puedes confiar en viudos y en
Sí. Y en apátridas y… ¿quién sabe?
“Piensa mal, y acertarás” ha
conseguido la desconfianza general. En cuanto éste, ése o aquél varían un poco
su trayectoria –¡porque evolucionan!, ¡porque cambian!-, entonces ya…
-¡Ya no es como antes!…
-¿Antes de qué?
-Ya no es como antes, cuando teníamos 20 años.
-¡Hombre! ¡Estaría bueno! ¡Claro que no!
Martirizada por el vector tiempo,
la especie de humanidad va confirmando inexorablemente que, si hubiera pensado
mal, hubiera acertado más. Y estaría peor, claro. Con lo cual… aparece otro
refrán: “Jodido y agradecido”.
Estate agradecido porque sólo te has dado cuenta de una parte del engaño que
has padecido. Quizás, porque no has podido soportar más. Y entonces, aunque
tengas un clavillo en el zapato, ¡conténtate!, porque podrías tener chuzos de
El tercer refrán: “El que no se
consuela es porque no quiere”.
¡Siempre encontrarás alguien más chunguito que tú! ¡Siempre! Siempre, cuando te
quejes –porque, obviamente, al pensar mal y acertarás, te estarás quejando todo
el día-, siempre encontrarás a alguien que está peor. Y entonces, te regodearás
en tu gozo, en tu gozo, en tu gozo… “Ése está peor que yo”. ¡Un alivio!
¡Hay que ver!, ¡encontrar el alivio en alguien que está peor! Sí, porque…
¡Hay que estar atentos! Hay que estar atentos en el “piensa mal, y acertarás”, porque
siempre hay algún suicida que llega diciendo:
“¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!”.
¡Lagarto, lagarto! ¡No! ¡Háganle un conjuro para que se vaya!, porque son los
que están dispuestos a convertirte la mala noticia, en buena; son los que están
dispuestos a demostrarte… que el jamón serrano es rico; ¡rico, rico!; rico…
-¿El jamón? ¿Qué tiene que ver aquí el jamón?
-¡Hombre!, ¡muchísimo! ¡Muchísimo! ¿Cuántos insultos hay, entre los seres
humanos, en los que se implica al cerdo? ¡Muchísimos! ¡Muchísimos insultos!
Luego él es parte de nuestra vida.
¡Ay! Muchos, al pensar que piensa
mal y acertarás –que es la mayoría-, cuando se aproximan a orar, en realidad lo
que piden es que… un rayo exterminador acabe con los demás. ¡Sí, de verdad!
¡Que acabe con todos los que no nos hacen… o nos bailan el agua! ¡Lo que pasa
es que no se llega a decir del todo! Dice:
-Mira, a éste quiero que me lo elimines de esta forma. A este otro, de esta
otra. A este otro…
¡No! ¡No se llega a hacer la petición completa! Pero… ¡pero claro, pero claro!,
se dice: “¡Líbranos del mal!...
¡Qué jodido!, ¡qué jodido! O sea: “Piensa
mal y acertarás”, “Líbranos
del mal”… ¡Ahhhhh!...
“Elimina a mis enemigos con amor, ¡por Dios, Señor! Pero elimínalos”.
¡Eso es lo que se dice en realidad! Con lo cual, la oración se convierte en una
venganza sutil; en un odio y en un rencor permanente. Con lo cual, luego se
queja –el orante- de que no le funciona. ¡Claro! No ve que Dios ha tomado la
justicia por su mano, y sigue contemplando a aquel que le sienta mal, con un
buen color, con una buena vida, y con… –¡buah!- con un talante estupendo.
-¡Nunca había yo visto esto así!
-Pues véalo: “Piense mal, y acertará”. Claro, llévelo hasta sus últimas
consecuencias, y verá que “líbranos del mal, amén”, cuando “piensa mal y
acertarás”… júntenlo, y verán cómo el único sentido orante es ése: “¡Señor,
Señor!, líbranos de todo mal… encarnado en Pepe, Luis, Antonio, Marilinda,
Marilito, Marilata… Haz que les salga algo; que tengan algo, para que vayan al
hospital. Que sepan lo que es sufrir, para que se den cuenta de lo que han
hecho sufrir a los demás”.
Y así, cada uno hace su petición. Y es posible que, después de una buena
oración, todos salgan cojos o miopes o tullidos. Porque claro, cuando funcione
la oración, ¿pues cómo van a salir cada uno?... ¡Baaaa! ¡No benditos, sino
¡Qué barbaridad, ¿no?!
¡Sí! Será barbaridad, pero –¡voilà!- ahí está:
¿Cómo, los que acuden al templo, se van a lamentar? A lamentar, ¡una y otra
vez!… de lo mal que les tratan y les va –por culpa de los demás, claro-.
Van al templo a dejar sus restos babosos de odios, rencores, iras e
Evidentemente, lo Divino no es un
depósito de quejas. Eso es el buzón de sugerencias que está en la puerta. Ése
es el buzón de peticiones del oyente que está en la emisora. ¡Pero eso no es…
en Divino! Y conviene –al menos- saber en dónde se está: ¿En dónde estoy ahora? ¿Qué estoy
haciendo ahora?
Esa queja general, indudablemente
se acompaña de movimientos corporales. Suelen ser codazos, miradas, empujones…
“lo siento”, “ah”, “mmm”, “ta”… Y luego, esa sutil violencia verbal,
intelectual, moral, social…
¡Claro! Como has pensado mal –y has acertado-, tienes que castigar… bueno,
prejuzgar, juzgar y castigar, bajo una condena, a los demás. Los demás pueden
ser, desde el jefe del estado, hasta –obviamente- la cucaracha última que
puedas encontrar. Y si no la encuentras, le pegas una patada a una piedra que
¡Eso se ve en las películas, mucho!: cuando algo no sale bien, la toman con las
paredes, con la copa, con… ¡Hay que patear algo! Si es a alguien, mejor –más
Luego, como la tempestad anuncia la calma, cuando llega la calma pues ya se
sabe: la cultura nos ha dotado también de… la disculpa, el perdón, “lo siento”…
-¿Qué sientes?
-No, que muy bien; me siento muy a gusto. He descargado toda mi ira y ahora
me siento recompensado.
Eso es lo que se debería decir. ¡Pero, no! Se dice:
-Lo siento… No lo voy a volver a hacer… He cometido un error… No volverá a
¡Hasta la próxima!
-¿Y si, en vez de pensar mal, pensaras bien,
-¡Bueno!, alguna vez sí acertarías.
-¿Alguna vez?
-“Alguna vez”. ¡Vale! ¿Y el efecto de pensar bien y acertar –“alguna vez”-,
en alguna manera se puede contraponer a la mayoría de las veces que piensas
mal, y aciertas?
-¡Ahh! Depende de qué persona… It depends
-¿Pero existe esa posibilidad?
-¡Sí, claro! Existe. Pero la mayoría de las veces descubrirás que, pensando
bien, no vas a cambiar la actitud de los demás, y éstos te van a responder
-¡Oh!, sí. Es muy probable que sí. Pero… ¿puedo pensar bien?
-¡Sí, sí! Puede pensar bien.
Fíjense bien… lo significativo que
es esto: “Piensa bien… y a lo
mejor aciertas”. Es decir, que existe la posibilidad… –esto es ¡muy
importante!- existe la posibilidad de pensar ¡bien!... Seguramente no vas a
acertar, pero… pero en alguna ocasión, sí.
-Sí. Va a ser grande la decepción, pensando bien en éste o en aquél, y
luego resulta que no…
-¡Sí! Pero… sigo pensando bien.
Ahí –ahí-, ahí sí que hay una
conexión, hay una sintonía con la Creación. Ahí sí, ya no se está en el buzón de
quejas o en el buzón de propuestas… o en las peticiones del oyente. No. Ya se
está en otro momento vibracional.
Pensar en bondadoso. Sentir en bondadoso. ¡Hacia todo!...
Sabré apoyarme en la pared, sin la sospecha o la duda de que se va a caer.
Sabré pisar el suelo, sin el miedo de que esté lleno de trampas. Sabré comer
con el gozo y el disfrute del sabor. ¡Sabré ver!... el vuelo de las mariposas y
el serpentear de una serpiente, sin condenarla. Sabré escuchar el canto del
pájaro… y sonreírme por ello. Sabré escuchar al que me engaña; al que me sincera;
al que me apoya; al que me ayuda…
Pensaré bien, y en bondad, sin aguardar resultados. ¡Sabiendo que soy amado!...
y que ¡puedo amar! Sabiendo que soy pensado, y puedo pensar. Sabiendo que soy
sentido, y puedo sentir.
Piensa en bondad, y te sentirás bondadoso.
Y actuarás… “bien”.
¡Piensa en bondad!, y te sentirás… gozoso. Y harás ¡reír!...
Piensa en bondad, y te sentirás hermoso. ¡Y serás capaz!... de percibir la
Es posible sintonizar otra emisora
que no sea la gestora de quejas, venganzas, rencores, prejuicios, juicios,
condenas, castigos…
Es posible ‘frecuenciarse’ y secuenciarse con los minerales, con los vegetales,
con los animales y –más aún- con nuestra propia especie, que es una urdimbre de
red… sensible; espiritual. Y que, en consecuencia, en su promoción inicial
–dentro de la búsqueda del gozo personal- está también el gozo global.
Es posible la sintonía creativa…
sin la secuela del dolor, del sufrimiento, del fracaso, del “mal”.
Y, en ese “posible”, lo orante es lo receptivo, lo que reúne recursos para
saber dónde se está. Y, en consecuencia, ‘vibracionarse’ y sintonizarse ¡con
bondad!, en confianza, ¡con sinceridad!, con apoyos, con promesas…
Con una esperanza puesta… que sabe volar…
Te escucharán… en el pensar
¡Combatirás!… en el pensar malicioso.
It’s been achieved, by
it’s “own merits”, -in saying “own merits” it’s a way to express the
accumulated merits of various generations-. The human species has achieved that
the saying, “think badly and you’ll be right”, is a reality, is the usual, that
it’s not an exception but a way “to be”; to co-exist.
Obviously this needs pistols, knives, fences, bombs, swords, insults, anger, complaints, manias… and various instruments, be they technological or be they of the character… of the personality.
What is “bad”? Everything that isn’t good for me! Easy! As a result the majority is “bad”; because, the world isn’t made according to, “my image and my likeness”. As a consequence, everyone has very clear what is bad: what isn’t good for me.
And what is “good”? That, which is good for me. But, but, but, so that it’s good for me, I have to have power, influence, arrogance, vanity, imposition… so that at least some people are dedicated to me!
Exaggerated right? Yes, for sure! But, from the point of view of the philanthropy, if you look slowly, every being has its group of slaves, reptiles, admirer’s…
Everyone always has –if you look closely- someone twisted around them, to have something good; because, as you have to think bad to be right, you can’t only be surrounded by the bad, because we would kill each other,-something that also happens, of course-. But those who more or less survive have a group of addicts around them, which permits that something is in your image or your likeness. Some have a husband, others a girlfriend, others have children, others have friends… and he who doesn’t, well… a dog! : Totally unconditional. There are cases in which… but, in general.
-A dog?
Also, the man says it’s very intelligent. And you don’t have to think badly of it to be right. It’s the opposite, think good,-which is… what is good for you, what is in your image- and you’ll see that the dog walks like you, looks at you like you do… wags the tail like you, not really, but…ah!
The thing is, if you think badly and you’ll be right, when you get close to the creation… what? What? You have to think badly to be right!
And so, when destiny appears, or “free will” or… or he who says that none of this… exists or will exist, still it continues to be valid “to think badly and you’ll be right”?
Think badly about the molecules and you’ll be right! Think bad about the hydrogen bonds, and you’ll be right! Think that, in whatever moment when you drink water, it will turn against you… and it will perforate your palate! Uaaah! With the palate perforated you’ll begin to bleed, and you won’t know how to distinguish if your swallowing blood, or water.
- How horrible! Isn’t it?
- No, no! It’s not horrible. It’s the logical consequence of “think badly and you’ll be right”. How are you going to think good about the hydrogen and the oxygen together? Together, knowing that they will separate, knowing that there going to divorce... Can you think good about divorcees? No, of course not! The divorcees are people that… you can’t trust them! They have demonstrated that they are not capable; thanks to thinking bad they were right, and they had to separate. How are you later going to trust a divorcee? How terrible...!
What is terrible about this thought is that you can only trust the widowed.
Yes. And in the stateless, and, and… who knows?
Obviously this needs pistols, knives, fences, bombs, swords, insults, anger, complaints, manias… and various instruments, be they technological or be they of the character… of the personality.
What is “bad”? Everything that isn’t good for me! Easy! As a result the majority is “bad”; because, the world isn’t made according to, “my image and my likeness”. As a consequence, everyone has very clear what is bad: what isn’t good for me.
And what is “good”? That, which is good for me. But, but, but, so that it’s good for me, I have to have power, influence, arrogance, vanity, imposition… so that at least some people are dedicated to me!
Exaggerated right? Yes, for sure! But, from the point of view of the philanthropy, if you look slowly, every being has its group of slaves, reptiles, admirer’s…
Everyone always has –if you look closely- someone twisted around them, to have something good; because, as you have to think bad to be right, you can’t only be surrounded by the bad, because we would kill each other,-something that also happens, of course-. But those who more or less survive have a group of addicts around them, which permits that something is in your image or your likeness. Some have a husband, others a girlfriend, others have children, others have friends… and he who doesn’t, well… a dog! : Totally unconditional. There are cases in which… but, in general.
-A dog?
Also, the man says it’s very intelligent. And you don’t have to think badly of it to be right. It’s the opposite, think good,-which is… what is good for you, what is in your image- and you’ll see that the dog walks like you, looks at you like you do… wags the tail like you, not really, but…ah!
The thing is, if you think badly and you’ll be right, when you get close to the creation… what? What? You have to think badly to be right!
And so, when destiny appears, or “free will” or… or he who says that none of this… exists or will exist, still it continues to be valid “to think badly and you’ll be right”?
Think badly about the molecules and you’ll be right! Think bad about the hydrogen bonds, and you’ll be right! Think that, in whatever moment when you drink water, it will turn against you… and it will perforate your palate! Uaaah! With the palate perforated you’ll begin to bleed, and you won’t know how to distinguish if your swallowing blood, or water.
- How horrible! Isn’t it?
- No, no! It’s not horrible. It’s the logical consequence of “think badly and you’ll be right”. How are you going to think good about the hydrogen and the oxygen together? Together, knowing that they will separate, knowing that there going to divorce... Can you think good about divorcees? No, of course not! The divorcees are people that… you can’t trust them! They have demonstrated that they are not capable; thanks to thinking bad they were right, and they had to separate. How are you later going to trust a divorcee? How terrible...!
What is terrible about this thought is that you can only trust the widowed.
Yes. And in the stateless, and, and… who knows?
“Think badly and
you’ll be right”, has achieved the general mistrust. When this, that, or the
other, varies its trajectory a little -because they evolve, they change-, so…
-Now it’s not like before…!
-Before what?
-Now it’s not like before, when we were twenty years old.
-But of course we are not!
-Now it’s not like before…!
-Before what?
-Now it’s not like before, when we were twenty years old.
-But of course we are not!
Martyred by the vector
“time”, the human species inexorably confirms that if it had thought badly it
would have been right more times. And now it would be worse-off, of course. And
for this… appears another saying, “screwed up and thankful”. Be
thankful! because you have only noticed a part of the deception that you have
suffered. Maybe because you couldn’t deal with more. And so, although you have
a small nail in your shoe, be happy! because it could be a lance.
The third saying… “He that doesn’t console himself, it’s because he doesn’t want to”.
Always you will find someone worse off than you are! Always! Always, when you complain,-because obviously in “thinking badly and you’ll be right” you will be complaining all day- always you will find someone who is worse off. And so you will take delight in your pleasure, in your pleasure, in your pleasure… “He is worse off than I am”, what a relief!
Oh my god! to find relief in someone that is worse off!, yes, because…
You have to be alert! You have to be alert in the “think badly and you’ll be right”, because there’s always a suicidal person that comes saying: “there isn’t anything bad that for good doesn’t come”.
Lizard! lizard! Make a conjuring trick so that he goes away! because they are those who are ready to convert for you, the bad news in good. They are those who are ready to show you… that “Serrano ham” is delicious.
-Ham! What does ham have to do here? …
-A lot, how many insults are there between the human beings where the pig is implied? A lot! Many insults! So, he’s part of our life.
The third saying… “He that doesn’t console himself, it’s because he doesn’t want to”.
Always you will find someone worse off than you are! Always! Always, when you complain,-because obviously in “thinking badly and you’ll be right” you will be complaining all day- always you will find someone who is worse off. And so you will take delight in your pleasure, in your pleasure, in your pleasure… “He is worse off than I am”, what a relief!
Oh my god! to find relief in someone that is worse off!, yes, because…
You have to be alert! You have to be alert in the “think badly and you’ll be right”, because there’s always a suicidal person that comes saying: “there isn’t anything bad that for good doesn’t come”.
Lizard! lizard! Make a conjuring trick so that he goes away! because they are those who are ready to convert for you, the bad news in good. They are those who are ready to show you… that “Serrano ham” is delicious.
-Ham! What does ham have to do here? …
-A lot, how many insults are there between the human beings where the pig is implied? A lot! Many insults! So, he’s part of our life.
Many, when thinking
bad and you’ll be right,-which is the majority-, when they come to pray, in
reality what they ask for is that… an exterminating ray terminates everybody
else. Yes, really! Terminate all of those that don’t do for us… or don’t
flatter us! What happens is that they don’t manage to say everything! They say:
-Look this one I want eliminated in this way, the other one in this other way, this one…
No! They don’t make the complete request! But… but of course! they say “free us from the bad!... Amen”
How messed up! Well: “think bad and you’ll be right”, “free us from the bad”… ahhhhhh…!
“Eliminate my enemies with love, oh god! Oh lord! But eliminate them”. This is what in reality they say! So the prayer converts into a subtle vengeance; in hate, and a permanent grudge. As a result, later the one who prays complains that it doesn’t work. Of course, he doesn’t see that god has taken the justice by his hand, and carries on contemplating the ones that make him feel bad, with a good colour, with a good life and…- Buah!- with a splendid mood.
-I have never seen this like that!
-Well, see it: “think bad and you’ll be right”. Of course, take it to its ultimate consequences and you’ll see that “free us from bad, amen”, when you “think bad you’ll be right”… join it together and you’ll see that the only praying sense is that: “lord, lord, free us of all bad… incarnated in Pepe, in Louis, Antonio, Marilinda, Marilito, Marilata, make them catch something, so that they have to go to the hospital. Make them know what suffering is, so that they realise how they have made others suffer”.
Like this, everyone makes their request. And it’s possible that, after a good prayer, everyone comes out limping, or short-sighted, or crippled. Because of course, when the prayer works, well, how is everyone going to come out...? baaaaa! Not blessed, but cursed…!
How terrible, no?!
Yes, it’s terrible but –voila!- there it is:
Those that go to the temple are going to wail? To wail, again and again, about how bad it goes, or how badly they are treated, -which is the fault of everybody else of course-.
They go to the temple to leave their dribbling leftovers of hate, grudges, angers and lack of understanding.
-Look this one I want eliminated in this way, the other one in this other way, this one…
No! They don’t make the complete request! But… but of course! they say “free us from the bad!... Amen”
How messed up! Well: “think bad and you’ll be right”, “free us from the bad”… ahhhhhh…!
“Eliminate my enemies with love, oh god! Oh lord! But eliminate them”. This is what in reality they say! So the prayer converts into a subtle vengeance; in hate, and a permanent grudge. As a result, later the one who prays complains that it doesn’t work. Of course, he doesn’t see that god has taken the justice by his hand, and carries on contemplating the ones that make him feel bad, with a good colour, with a good life and…- Buah!- with a splendid mood.
-I have never seen this like that!
-Well, see it: “think bad and you’ll be right”. Of course, take it to its ultimate consequences and you’ll see that “free us from bad, amen”, when you “think bad you’ll be right”… join it together and you’ll see that the only praying sense is that: “lord, lord, free us of all bad… incarnated in Pepe, in Louis, Antonio, Marilinda, Marilito, Marilata, make them catch something, so that they have to go to the hospital. Make them know what suffering is, so that they realise how they have made others suffer”.
Like this, everyone makes their request. And it’s possible that, after a good prayer, everyone comes out limping, or short-sighted, or crippled. Because of course, when the prayer works, well, how is everyone going to come out...? baaaaa! Not blessed, but cursed…!
How terrible, no?!
Yes, it’s terrible but –voila!- there it is:
Those that go to the temple are going to wail? To wail, again and again, about how bad it goes, or how badly they are treated, -which is the fault of everybody else of course-.
They go to the temple to leave their dribbling leftovers of hate, grudges, angers and lack of understanding.
Evidently, the Divine
is not a deposit box of complaints. That is the letter box of suggestions that
is in the door. It is the suggestion box of the listeners in the radio station.
But this isn’t… in the Divine. It would be good at least to know, where you
are: where am I now? What am I doing now?
This general complaint undoubtedly is accompanied by body movements, usually elbowing, stares, pushes… “I am sorry”… and later this subtle violence, verbal, intellectual, moral, social…
Of course! As you have thought badly and you were right, you have to punish… pre judge, judge and punish everybody else according to the sentence. Everybody else could be, from the head of state to obviously the last cockroach that you can find. And if you don’t find it, you kick whatever stone you find.
This you see a lot in films! : When something doesn’t work, they attack the walls, the glass, with… you have to kick something! If it’s someone, that’s better, more complete.
Later, as the storm announces the calm, when the calm arrives, well you know: the culture has also doted us with the… excuses, pardons, “I’m sorry”…
- What do you feel?
- I feel good, I have discharged all of my anger and now I feel rewarded.
This is what they should say, but no, they say:
- I’m sorry… I won’t do it again… I committed an error… it won’t happen again…
Until the next time!
This general complaint undoubtedly is accompanied by body movements, usually elbowing, stares, pushes… “I am sorry”… and later this subtle violence, verbal, intellectual, moral, social…
Of course! As you have thought badly and you were right, you have to punish… pre judge, judge and punish everybody else according to the sentence. Everybody else could be, from the head of state to obviously the last cockroach that you can find. And if you don’t find it, you kick whatever stone you find.
This you see a lot in films! : When something doesn’t work, they attack the walls, the glass, with… you have to kick something! If it’s someone, that’s better, more complete.
Later, as the storm announces the calm, when the calm arrives, well you know: the culture has also doted us with the… excuses, pardons, “I’m sorry”…
- What do you feel?
- I feel good, I have discharged all of my anger and now I feel rewarded.
This is what they should say, but no, they say:
- I’m sorry… I won’t do it again… I committed an error… it won’t happen again…
Until the next time!
- And what if
instead of thinking bad you thought good would you be right?
- Noooo!…
- Always?
- Well sometimes, you could be right,
- Sometimes?
- Yes
- “Sometimes”. O.k. and the effect of thinking good and you will be right, “sometimes”, could balance the majority of times that you think bad and your right?
- It depends on which person, it depends.
- But this possibility exists?
- Yes of course it exists, but the majority of the times you’d discover that thinking good is not going to change the attitude of everyone else, and they are going to respond to you badly.
- Oh yes! it is very probable that it is like this. But… can I think good?
- Yes, you can think good.
Take a good look at how significant this is… “Think good and maybe you will be right”. Which means that the possibility exists… this is very important. The possibility exists to think good… surely you are not going to be right, but… on some occasions you will be.
- Yes, the deception is going to be great, thinking good in this or the other, and later it turns out to be no…
- Yes! But I carry on thinking good.
There, there is a connection, a tuning in with the Creation. Like this, you are not in the letter box of complaints or in the letterbox of proposals or…. the suggestions of the listener. No. Now you are in another vibration moment.
Think in kindness. Feel in kindness. Towards everything…
I would know how to support myself against the wall, without the suspicion or doubt that it is going to fall. I would know how to tread the floor without the fear that it is full of traps. I would know how to eat with the pleasure and enjoyment of the taste. I would know!... how to see the flight of the butterflies, and the meander of a snake, without condemning it. I would know how to listen to the song of the bird… and smile for it. I would know how to listen to the one who cheats me; to the one who makes me be sincere, to the one who supports me; to the one that helps me…
I would think good and in kindness, without waiting for results. Knowing that I’m loved! ... And that I can love! Knowing that I’m thought about, and that I can think. Knowing that I’m felt, and that I can feel.
Think in kindness and you’ll feel kind. And you will act... “Well”.
Think in kindness! And you’ll feel… pleasurable. And you’ll make them laugh!
Think in kindness, and you’ll feel beautiful. And you will be capable! ... To perceive beauty.
- Noooo!…
- Always?
- Well sometimes, you could be right,
- Sometimes?
- Yes
- “Sometimes”. O.k. and the effect of thinking good and you will be right, “sometimes”, could balance the majority of times that you think bad and your right?
- It depends on which person, it depends.
- But this possibility exists?
- Yes of course it exists, but the majority of the times you’d discover that thinking good is not going to change the attitude of everyone else, and they are going to respond to you badly.
- Oh yes! it is very probable that it is like this. But… can I think good?
- Yes, you can think good.
Take a good look at how significant this is… “Think good and maybe you will be right”. Which means that the possibility exists… this is very important. The possibility exists to think good… surely you are not going to be right, but… on some occasions you will be.
- Yes, the deception is going to be great, thinking good in this or the other, and later it turns out to be no…
- Yes! But I carry on thinking good.
There, there is a connection, a tuning in with the Creation. Like this, you are not in the letter box of complaints or in the letterbox of proposals or…. the suggestions of the listener. No. Now you are in another vibration moment.
Think in kindness. Feel in kindness. Towards everything…
I would know how to support myself against the wall, without the suspicion or doubt that it is going to fall. I would know how to tread the floor without the fear that it is full of traps. I would know how to eat with the pleasure and enjoyment of the taste. I would know!... how to see the flight of the butterflies, and the meander of a snake, without condemning it. I would know how to listen to the song of the bird… and smile for it. I would know how to listen to the one who cheats me; to the one who makes me be sincere, to the one who supports me; to the one that helps me…
I would think good and in kindness, without waiting for results. Knowing that I’m loved! ... And that I can love! Knowing that I’m thought about, and that I can think. Knowing that I’m felt, and that I can feel.
Think in kindness and you’ll feel kind. And you will act... “Well”.
Think in kindness! And you’ll feel… pleasurable. And you’ll make them laugh!
Think in kindness, and you’ll feel beautiful. And you will be capable! ... To perceive beauty.
It’s possible to tune
into another station that doesn’t gestate complaints, vengeance, grudges,
prejudices, judgements, sentences, punishments…
It’s possible to be in the same frequency as the minerals, the vegetables, the animals, and still more, with our own species that is a warp…sensitive; spiritual. And as a consequence in its initial promotion -inside the personal enjoyment- there is also the global pleasure.
It’s possible to be in the same frequency as the minerals, the vegetables, the animals, and still more, with our own species that is a warp…sensitive; spiritual. And as a consequence in its initial promotion -inside the personal enjoyment- there is also the global pleasure.
The creative tuning is
possible… without the consequence of pain, of suffering, of the failure, of the
And, in this “possible”, the praying person is the receptive, the one who unites resources, to know where he is. And in consequence vibrate and be in tune with kindness! in trust, with sincerity!, with support, with promises…
With hope… that knows how to fly.
And, in this “possible”, the praying person is the receptive, the one who unites resources, to know where he is. And in consequence vibrate and be in tune with kindness! in trust, with sincerity!, with support, with promises…
With hope… that knows how to fly.
They will listen to
you… in the kind thoughts.
You will fight! … in the bad thinking .
You will fight! … in the bad thinking .